Kool Cups


These cypress Pencil/Kool Cup's are made from recycled cypress that is 100 or more years old , the wood was salvaged from old homes and buildings. Occasionally we haul in logs that have blown down or fallen in the course of time. In most cases these logs are hollow which leaves the clear grain to cut from.

The art work on these cups is of Louisiana heritage and is the original work of Mr. Rodney L. Marceaux, a true craftsman. Among many other talents Mr. Marceaux can hand carve the image of anything set in front of him. Mr. Marceaux is not only a talented artist, he also builds and plays violins.

Click on a cup to see bigger picture..

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and last but not least....
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In addition to the designs shown here you can have your Kool Cup personalized to fit your tastes as shown in the above cup showing Patterson High School spirit.


Kool Cups featuring one of our pre-made designs are $25.00.

We offer personalization of cup designs for an additional $3.00.

Discounts avaiable for larger orders. Contact Us for details.

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